• ITAR/EAR Basics and Beyond - Santa Fe

ITAR/EAR Basics and Beyond

APRIL 29-30, 2025

Santa Fe, NM

Seminar Tuition - $1250.00
Ask ECS for the U.S. Government rate - $1,100.00
Certified Export Compliance Professional, CECP© Renewal
Discount for groups


DAY 1: Tuesday, April 29th:


  • Presentation: “AUKUS Update—Proposed Changes to Export Laws under the New Administration” State/DDTC Update & Commerce/BIS Update.
  • Presentation: “Are you Prepared for an ITAR/EAR Audit?” Comprehensive review of the audit areas to examine, documents to review and the importance of auditing your freight forwarders.
  • Presentation: “The Importance of a Voluntary Disclosure” The necessary elements to help ensure your case gets closed.
  • Exercise 1: “Drafting an Audit Report”
  • Presentation: “Key to My Successful Audit--Transactional Testing & Due Diligence”
  • Presentation: “What Do I Need to Include in My Export Compliance Policy & Procedure Manual?”
  • Presentation: “Unlocking the Keys to an Effective In-House ITAR/EAR Training Program”


DAY 2: Wednesday, April 30th:


  • Presentation: “The 7 Effective Habits of an ITAR/EAR Compliance Official”
  • Presentation: “Don’t Overlook the EAR” Important sections of the EAR that can’t be missed.
  • Presentation: “Are You Using the EAR Exceptions Effectively? – The five most important exceptions you should be using.
  • Exercise 2: “Testing Your EAR Prowess
  • Presentation: “The Most Important ITAR Exemptions to Use” From repairs to the Canadian exemption
  • Presentation: “Due Diligence: The Importance of Checking Intermediaries and End Users”
  • Exercise 3: “End User Exercise”
  • Presentation: “What Happens When State or Commerce Visits Your Facility” An examination of Commerce/BIS and State/DTCC internal compliance efforts.

Download/View Agenda (pdf)

La Posada de Santa Fe
330 East Palace Avenue
Santa Fe, NM, 87501
Book online here or
Call and ask for the ECS rate of $259


Suzanne Palmer, President, Export Compliance Solutions, a former Licensing Officer at the State Department, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), with 20 years of direct experience in the U.S. defense industry. After leaving the State Department, Ms. Palmer joined Northrop Grumman’s Electronic Systems in Baltimore and then went on to work at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Ms. Palmer combined this unique experience to found ECS in 2003. The ECS team provides training to help compliance officials successfully apply U.S. export control regulations and establish viable export compliance programs. Ms. Palmer has worked on the Defense Trade Advisory Group (DTAG), was appointed to serve as a Special Compliance Officer (SCO) for a company operating under a Consent Agreement and is an active speaker for various professional organizations.


Lisa Bencivenga has over twenty seven years of varied experience in export/import licensing and compliance issues with major defense contractors. She has had the leading role in developing and implementing internal compliance programs, providing regulatory guidance, instituting license databases, training personnel at all corporate levels, conducting audits requested by clients and/or directed by the U.S. Department of State, coordinating investigations and working closely with legal departments while administering the full spectrum of corporate international export/import activities. She has several years of experience in space-related export issues which includes obtaining and implementing complex licensing arrangements related to spacecraft and launch activities as a result of her employment with Orbital Sciences Corporation and The Boeing Company.


CLE Credits: ECS will seek accrediations for those attendees interested in receiving CLE credit in the state of Maryland.

NEI/NCBFAA Credits: ECS will seek accrediations for those attendees interested in receiving CLE credit in the state of Maryland.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Participants may cancel and attend another class. Substitute attendees are also allowed. No cash refunds will be made without 72 hours advance notice.

If you are a returning attendee, please contact us for a discount promo code.

ITAR/EAR Basics and Beyond - Santa Fe

  • Product Code: ADV1A25
  • $1,250.00

  • 2 or more $1,125.00
  • 3 or more $1,062.50
  • 6 or more $1,000.00

Available Options