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ECS Training Practice. Be sure to take advantage of our professional courtesy discounts.

Upcoming ITAR/EAR Training

ITAR/EAR Boot Camp ITAR/EAR Basics and Beyond ITAR/EAR Advanced ECS Webinar Series
ITAR/EAR Boot Camp
February 3 - 4, 2025
Orlando, FL 

ITAR/EAR Basics and Beyond
April 29-30, 2025
Santa Fe, NM 
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8th Annual ITAR/EAR Symposium
September 10-11, 2025
Annapolis, MD
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Now through Winter 2025

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2024/2025 Seminar Locations

Image Description
the largest aircraft ever built
August 2018

Suzanne at 7th Annual ITAR/EAR Symposium

Suzanne and Walter at AUECO

Doing it up in Nashville!

The Dog Days of the ITAR

Even in Nashville you can satisfy your thirst for ITAR compliance!!

Great to be back to in-person seminars. Enjoyed the energy in Tampa last week!

Training in Tampa, Florida

Back in Business with In Person Seminars!

Training in San Diego, California

Training in San Diego, California

Training in San Diego, California

Training in San Diego, California

Training in Singapore

Training in Niepolomice, Poland

Training in Scottsdale, Az

Training in São Paulo

Suzanne Palmer dealing with an upset exporter with ITAR/EAR violations. This customer must not have gotten ECS training!

Subject Matter Experts

Debi Davis
Vice President, Global Compliance, TransDigm Group

Phil Kuhn
Special Agent, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Export Enforcement (OEE)

Scott Jackson
Senior Director, Global Trade Compliance, Curtiss-Wright

Marc Binder
Co-founder and principal partner in the Import / Export Compliance Consulting Firm International Trade Compliance Strategies (ITC Strategies)

Karma Ruiz
President, World Wise Consulting

Home Team Instructors

Suzanne Palmer
Founder and President, Export Compliance Solutions

Lisa Bencivenga
Consultant, Export/Import Licensing and Compliance


Professional Courtesy Discounts

Returning attendees receive a 10% discount.

Attendees registering from the same company automatically receive the following discounts:

  • 2 attendees receive a 10% discount
  • 3-5 attendees receive a 15% discount
  • 6 or more attendees receive a 20% discount

All U.S. and foreign government employees receive a professional courtesy tuition rate discount of $1050.

ECS Preferred Provider Courtesy Discount: As the recognized leading trade controls training company in the U.S., ECS would like to be your company's one-stop for support and guidance when it comes to any aspect of the ITAR, EAR, and U.S. trade controls. We are proud to offer our preferred provider professional courtesy discount to your multiple company locations, parent company, subsidiaries, and/or affiliates. This volume-based professional discount applies to all ECS service offerings including our live seminars, webinars, customized onsite training, and consulting services. Contact us for more information on our preferred provider courtesy discount.

  • Live seminars
  • Webinars
  • Customized onsite training
  • Consulting

ITAR/EAR Boot Camp

An intensive two-day learning experience focused on the basics of the ITAR and EAR. This seminar  focuses on the basic principles of defense trade controls with practical examples, case studies, and small group discussions and provides attendees with unparalleled insight into the application of export controls. Topics include State/DDTC and the Regulations, The Order of Review: Specially Designed & Commodity Jurisdiction, Understanding ITAR-Controlled Technical Data, How to Complete a DSP-5, Licensing Non-U.S. Persons, Utilizing ITAR Exemptions, Recordkeeping, and Violations.

This comprehensive seminar also focuses on licensing in the 600 Series with case studies and classification exercises. Topics include Understanding Commerce/BIS & the Regulations, The Ten General Prohibitions, Classification & Reading the ECCN-- (Country Charts & Reasons for Control,) Preparing License & Classification Requests using SNAP-R, License Exceptions & the Strategic Trade Authorization (STA), Recordkeeping & Compliance.

Two-day seminar fee is $1250.00 and includes breakfast and lunch each day, seminar manual, and a current copy of the ITAR. Space is limited. Registration will close once capacity is reached.

ITAR/EAR Advanced

This advanced ITAR/EAR compliance seminar draws on the experiences of current and former U.S. Government officials and defense industry experts. Designed to bring attention to the latest compliance topics and familiarize attendees with significant compliance specialist challenges, this seminar uses small group exercises to encourage team building and effective management practices. Topics include, Handling a Visit from the Office of Export Enforcement (OEE), Utilizing the MEU List, State/DTCC Company Visits and Elements of a Voluntary Disclosure to both Commerce and State enabling our attendees to become a Top Gun ITAR/EAR expert!

Two-day seminar fee is $1250.00 and includes breakfast, lunch, seminar manual and a current copy of the ITAR. Space is limited. Registration will close once capacity is reached.


Comprehensive ITAR & EAR Training… Online!

Do you want a fast and easy way to elevate your company's export compliance awareness?

Do you want your employees to learn the basics of the ITAR and the EAR without the expense and logistical complications of conventional classes? Do you want a training tool for your new hires?

Do you want your students to be able to leave the Internet-based video course and return later to where they left off?

If so, Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting has the online training you need! Making sure that all your personnel are knowledgeable about the legal and regulatory process governing the export of defense and commercial articles and services under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) is the best way to prevent violations of U.S. export controls and avoid the stiff penalties that can result from non-compliance.

In only 60 to 75 minutes your employees can view a comprehensive ITAR & EAR Awareness and compliance training video, complete the course exam, order a certificate, and be equipped to save your business from costly mistakes.

Comprehensive ITAR & EAR Training… Online!

What is the ITAR?
What is the EAR?
What is the role of the “Empowered Official”? How should my products be classified?
Has Export Control Reform (ECR) changed much?
What is an export? When does an export occur? Who is a “U.S. person” and who is not?
What are “defense articles”?
What are dual use articles?
How are ITAR and EAR licenses obtained? What exemptions are available under the ITAR?
What exceptions are available under the EAR?
What are “defense services”? What ITAR rules apply to technical discussions? What are Technical Assistance Agreements?
How do I screen for “Denied Parties”? How do I know what countries are prohibited or embargoed? How do I apply the “Know Your Customer” rule?
What are the key risk areas? What is my role in export compliance? What “Red Flags” should I look out for?
When is technical information in the “public domain”? Does a 600 Series item fall under the Department of Commerce? What are common violations and what penalties do they incur?


Certified Export Compliance Professional CECP© Accreditation Program

To become a Certified Export Compliance Professional, CECP©, a participant has to earn 8.0 Export Compliance Certified Professional (CECP©) credits and pass the CECP© exam. To earn the 8.0 credits, the student may:

  • Attend two ECS ITAR/EAR 2 day Seminars/Webinars at any level for a total of 8.0 credits.
  • Attend one ECS ITAR/EAR 2 day Seminar for 4.0 credits with a combination of two 1.0 credit Webinars and view the 2.0 credit "ITAR/EAR Awareness" video and pass the exam.

After completing the ECS ITAR/EAR Seminars/Webinars or viewing the ECS ITAR/EAR Awareness video and passing the exam, the participant will be given a certificate with the Certified Professional CECP© credits displayed. The breakdown is as follows:

Classroom Hours
A student needs a total of 8.0 CECP© credits or 32 classroom hours. Each 2-day seminar confers 4.0 credits which is based on a total of 16 classroom hours. Upon completion of any two-day Seminar/Webinar, the attendee will receive a certificate with the 4.0 credits displayed.

ECS Webinars or ITAR/EAR Awareness Video
Attend any ECS Webinar and earn 1.0 CECP© credits. View the ECS ITAR/EAR Awareness video and pass the test and earn 2.0 credits.

Pass the Exam:
After completing the 8.0 CECP© credits, the participant will request to take the Certified Export Compliance Professional, CECP© exam. Once the written exam has been taken with a passing grade, the participant will receive the CECP© certificate with credentials. These credentials can be displayed and used in any and all areas of business - resumes, business cards and job applications.

Renew Your Credentials:
The certification is valid for a 2 year period. To renew, simply take another 2 day seminar (4.0 credits) to renew your certification. There is no need to take the exam another time.

The CECP© program is a solid way to ensure that current employees and new hires are made aware of the intricacies of export compliance - benefiting employees and companies alike. A list of upcoming classes are listed above.


The ECS Training Academy
Solutions Focused, Far-Reaching Benefits

Classroom Training Because export compliance training has often been cited as the weakest link in the chain of technology control in exports, the highly trusted ECS Training Academy provides a variety of ITAR, EAR, and OFAC training options distilled from decades of experience. Our insights and best practices help hundreds of organizations each year build the skills and processes needed to analyze and solve compliance challenges—and avoid costly mistakes. Our varied curriculum includes public and customized export compliance seminars, online training, as well as “action learning” that reinforces seminar learning with real-world applications. Considered one of today’s premier learning environments for new and established export compliance professionals, the ECS Training Academy offers:

  • Two-day seminars bimonthly in various locations around the country. These interactive awareness seminars use practical ITAR & EAR examples, case studies, small group discussions and intensive hands-on training for an in-depth overview of the licensing process. Lectures and discussions focus on the license and Technical Assistance Agreement application process, ITAR & EAR violations, ITAR exemptions, EAR Exceptions, Foreign National employment, Deemed Exports, Technical data and Technology exports as well as compliance issues. With unique course offerings and small class size, attendees gain a full understanding of U.S. export controls while being encouraged to pose company-specific questions.
  • Half-day, full-day and week-long training (onsite at your facility or over the Internet). Seminars are customized to suit YOUR company's unique requirements. Interactive training, questions and individual scenarios are presented and attendees are divided into small groups where they apply ITAR, EAR, and OFAC principles to real business situations.
  • Web-based seminar on various topics of interest such as: (1) How to complete a DSP-5 license application for a Foreign National employee, (2) How to Complete the 748P license application (3) How to use available ITAR exemptions and EAR Exceptions, and (4) How to prepare for a State/DDTC Company Visit.

CLE LogoFor registrants with continuing education requirements, jurisdiction accreditation will be sought upon request.
If you would like to preregister for any course, you can download the form here.